Friday 5 November 2010

Welcome to our Holistic Healing Tree!

Iona Ridley & Marc Blausten
Between us, we have over 40 years experience working within the healing professions.

What we offer:
Homeopathy ~ A multi-layer approach

Energy Healing ~ Working directly with the Energy Body, no need for the story, results fast!

Chi Kung & Meditation ~ Workshops

Naturopathy ~ Personalized diet and detox programs and Fasting Retreats; Superfoods, Supplements and Detox Kits

Bodywork ~ Using a multi-layer of modalities including Swedish, Deep-Tissue and Shiatzu

Yoga and Pre-Natal Classes and private sessions

Pregnancy, Birthing and Post-Natal Care ~ Holistic Doula care for you and your newborn throughout the childbearing year.

Women Circles

1 comment:

  1. The answer to happiness can be found in the wisdom of the people who contemplated on these ideas all of their lifetime. When society as a whole was focused on how best to make people lead happier and more fulfilling lives, they discovered great secrets and methods that they passed on from generation to generation. Yoga and meditation are powerful techniques that help us lead happy and contended lives. ilchi lee brain education
